News from Dr. Michel Rogé

Conferences, articles, news...

| Magazine


42.4717,1.4934 Policlinique Dental Rogé Av. Rocafort, 30 AD600 St. Julià de Lòria Principat d’Andorra
| Magazine

Conference on aesthetic integration in odo...

(Bordeaux) in February 2017 The Centre de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale d’Aquitaine (CPIOA) -in Bordeaux- held on February 2, 2017 a conference by Dr. Michel Rogé on aesthetic integratio...
| Magazine

Talk by Dr. Michel Rogé at the 2018 Congre...

The 17th Congress of Oral Surgery and Implantology of the SECOM, the Spanish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, was held the past 17 and 18 May 2018 in Ibiza and included the participation ...
| Magazine

Conference by Dr. Michel Rogé at the Alpha...

Dr. Michel Rogé had the honour of holding a conference on the 2nd of March 2017 at the Paris headquarters of the Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity. Brief history of the Alpha Omega Inter...
| Magazine

Dentairevolution Dental Clinic in Montpell...

Conference by Dr. Michel Rogé The Dentairevolution team received Dr. Michel Rogé with great satisfaction and honour, with whom they had the chance to share in this conference his professional expe...
| Magazine

Conferences of the Quintessence Internatio...

Dr. Michel Rogé participated, in May 2017, in the prestigious conferences of the Quintessence International Publishing Group, in the Paris branch of this well-known publisher on science and medicin...
Av. Rocafort, 30
AD600 St. Julià de Lòria
Principat d’Andorra
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(+376) 844 500
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  • MO - FR
    8AM – 8PM
  • SA - SU
Av. Rocafort, 30
AD600 St. Julià de Lòria
Principat d’Andorra
Opening hours
  • MO - FR
    8AM – 8PM
  • SA - SU
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